Best news ever


After five years of being married, my wife finally gave me the news I have been waiting to hear, we are expecting our first child. I couldn’t believe it ay first when she told me, as she texted me to give such huge news, so I just ignored it and thought it was a horrible joke.

Later on during the day I found miss calls from my wife, but didn’t get a chance to call back, as I was really busy at work. I called her back during lunch and was shocked to hear her telling me that it was actually true and we are having a baby.

I was so happy that it was impossible to do any of my work; all I could think about was our baby. I couldn’t wait for the day to end, so I can go home to my wife and share the happiness together. That night we spent hours talking about the baby, how we going to manage and what needs to be done before the baby is born.

The main thing on our list is to buy a new car for my wife, as I don’t like the thought of them both travelling on the bus and train during the wintery weather. We both decided to buy an Audi A1; it’s the right size and price.

Even though there is still many months to go, I started looking for the best new Audi deals, just in case there’s a deal not to be missed.

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